I recently upgraded a SharePoint 2007 server to SharePoint 2010. As part of our solution we store files, for instance email (.msg) files on the SharePoint server. Once the migration was doen I tried to open a .docx, a .txt and a .png file from the SharePoint. All of those worked fine. However when I tried to open a .msg file the file wouldn't open. I was precented with the option to save the file or to cancel. Saving the file localy and then opening the file resulted in the mail opening.
Apparently there is a new security feature in SharePoint 2010. To enable opening of .msg files, and I asume other file types, you need to do the following:
1) Open Central Admin
2) Go to Manage Web Applications
3) Pick your Web Application
4) Choose General Settings
5) Find "Change Browser File Handling"
6) Change it from "strict" to "permissive"
This does open up all file types, a much better solution can be found here: http://ianankers.wordpress.com/2011/08/16/opening-msg-e-mails-in-outlook-from-a-sharepoint-2010-document-library/